Blessings of the Holy Shepherd

I want, but why?

The Holy Shepherd provides all I truly need.

I anguish, but why?

The Holy Shepherd refurbishes my soul, directs me in the right way.

My way is dark and dreadful; I fear the present, I fear the future,

But why?

The Holy Shepherd is present with me using a rod and staff to comfort.

I feel small and insignificant,

But why?

The Holy Shepherd spreads a table of bounty reconciling me to enemies.

I feel anxious and worried,

But why?

The Holy Shepherd anoints with oil my head, sealing me securely in enduring safety.

I feel the gaping void; I see in my life the empty hole,

But why?

I open myself to the Holy Shepherd who will fill me to the brim, making my cup overflow.

I feel alone and isolated,

But why?

I open myself to the Holy Shepherd who promises Holy goodness and love to companion me always.

I open myself to the Holy Shepherd who promises quarters for me in Holy presence.

Come, Holy Shepherd,

I open myself to you for all Holy provisions, direction, safety worthiness, peace and companionship.

Come, Holy Shepherd, Come.

by Karen Loganbill

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